The Noom Diet: A Comprehensive Guide to Losing Weight and Improving Your Health

The Noom diet has become one of the most popular weight loss programs in recent years. With its psychology-based approach and focus on sustainable lifestyle changes, Noom aims to help people lose weight and keep it off for good.

This comprehensive guide will give you an in-depth look at how the Noom diet works, its pros and cons, food recommendations, scientific evidence, cost, and more. Read on to learn if Noom’s customized plans and coaching tools could be the key to helping you reach your weight loss goals.

What is Noom diet?

Noom is a mobile health and wellness program that uses psychology and behavior change techniques to encourage healthier eating habits and increased physical activity (1). The program is delivered via a user-friendly smartphone app that provides personalized health coaching, accountability tools, peer support groups, and daily education on nutrition, fitness, and lifestyle strategies.

Unlike traditional calorie-counting diets, Noom focuses on the “why” behind eating behaviors, not just the “what.” The goal is to help people identify their motivations for overeating or making poor food choices so they can modify their habits long-term (2).

According to the company, Noom users lose an average of 18 pounds over a 16-week period (3). However, results can vary based on factors like age, activity level, and commitment to the program.

How Does Noom diet Work?

To get started on Noom, you’ll take a short assessment quiz that collects information about your health history, diet, exercise habits, motivations, and weight loss goals. Based on your responses, Noom will generate a customized weight loss plan with recommended calorie intake, exercise targets, and lesson topics (4).

Here are the key features of Noom’s weight loss program:

Personalized Calorie Budget

Noom provides you with a personalized daily calorie budget based on your age, sex, activity level, and weight loss goals. Most budgets range from 1200-1600 calories per day for women and 1500-1800 for men (5).

The app helps track calories by having you log all foods and beverages. It also categorizes each item by color:

Green foods: Fruits, veggies, whole grains (unlimited)

Yellow foods: Lean proteins, starches, dairy (eat in moderation)

Red foods: Sweets, oils, animal fats (limit intake)

This system encourages you to make each meal mostly green, some yellow, and little red.

Health Coaching & Support

All Noom users are paired with a personal health coach for one-on-one guidance and support. You’ll also join a small online peer support group with others who have similar weight loss goals.

Coaches are available for questions and encouragement via in-app messaging. However, they are not licensed medical providers.

Weight Loss Education

Noom’s psychology-based curriculum aims to promote lifestyle changes through short daily lessons on topics like mindful eating, stress management, overcoming setbacks, and more.

Lessons take just a few minutes to complete each day. You’ll also take periodic mastery quizzes to test your knowledge.

Activity Tracking

The Noom app syncs with wearable devices and smartphone pedometers to log your daily steps. You’ll get personalized step goals based on your fitness level.

Noom also allows you to log exercise sessions and sports to track calories burned.

Noom Food List: What You Can Eat

One unique aspect of Noom is that no foods are strictly off-limits. However, the program encourages you to make smart substitutions using its color-coded food categorization system:

Green Foods

These are low calorie-density foods that you can eat freely, including:

  • Most fruits and vegetables
  • Whole grains like oats, brown rice, whole wheat pasta
  • Skinless poultry
  • Fat-free dairy
  • Legumes
  • broth-based soups

Aim to make green foods the main component of your meals and snacks.

Yellow Foods

These are moderate calorie-density foods to eat in moderation, such as:

  • Eggs
  • Fish and seafood
  • Lean cuts of meat
  • Lowfat dairy
  • Starchy veggies like peas, corn, potatoes
  • Oils, butter/spreads
  • Baked goods, crackers, pretzels
  • Frozen meals, pizza

Pay attention to portion sizes of yellow foods to keep calories in check.

Red Foods

These are high calorie-density foods to limit, including:

  • Fatty cuts of meat
  • Full-fat cheese and dairy
  • Packaged sweets and desserts
  • Sugary drinks
  • Fried foods
  • Savory snacks like chips, nuts
  • Deli meats
  • Frozen entrees

Work red foods into your diet in small amounts and balance them out with greens and yellows.

Noom emphasizes that no food is completely off-limits. The color system simply guides you toward more nutrient-dense choices that promote weight loss (6).

Noom for Different Dietary Needs

A major perk of Noom is that it can accommodate a variety of dietary needs and preferences (7):

Vegetarian/vegan: Noom offers plenty of plant-based meal ideas. Coaches can provide specialized support.

Gluten-free: The program does not rely heavily on gluten-containing grains. GF swaps are easy.

Keto: While not specifically a keto diet, Noom limits carbs through its color system. Increased proteins and fats are encouraged.

Paleo: You’ll focus on lean proteins, fruits/veggies over grains. Noom is flexible enough to modify.

Low-sodium: Simply choose low-sodium options when logging foods or search Noom’s recipe database.

No matter your dietary needs, Noom aims to help you learn healthier eating habits tailored to your lifestyle and preferences.

Does Noom Work for Weight Loss?

So does Noom actually deliver weight loss results? Let’s examine some of the scientific evidence behind this popular diet program.

In one of over 35,000 Noom users, nearly 78% of participants reported losing weight while using the app for a median period of 9 months (8).

Those who weighed themselves more often and regularly logged meals had greater weight loss success. The results indicate Noom can be an effective tool for self-monitoring and motivation.

Another [randomized controlled trial]( looked at Noom’s virtual Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). Obese adults with prediabetes who completed Noom’s 16-week curriculum lost significantly more weight compared to a control group (9).

After 6 months, the Noom group maintained an average weight loss of 7.5% of their starting body weight. The structured curriculum, coaching support, and accountability tools appeared effective for weight management in at-risk individuals.

While more extensive clinical trials are still needed, the existing evidence supports Noom as a potentially useful program for losing weight and keeping it off compared to standard care alone.

Pros and Cons of Noom

Like any diet program, Noom has both advantages and potential downsides. Here is an overview of the key pros and cons:


Promotes lifestyle changes: With its behavioral approach, Noom focuses on long-term habit change rather than short-term fixes.

No food off-limits: Noom doesn’t forbid specific foods or require special meals. Flexibility makes it easier to sustain.

Personalized support: Daily coaching and group support provide accountability and motivation.

Convenience:As a mobile app, Noom offers accessibility and portability compared to in-person programs.

Scientifically backed:Research studies support Noom’s effectiveness for weight loss in diverse groups.


Cost: Noom runs about $60 per month minimum, making it pricier than some diet apps.

Time commitment: Logging food and completing lessons demands commitment each day. This can be challenging to maintain.

Not one-on-one support: While you get a personal coach, support is virtual and mainly through messaging.

Calorie focus: Noom centers on calories versus nutrition quality. This may promote restrictive tendencies for some.

Potential for regain: Like most diets, maintaining weight loss long-term requires continued effort.

Experts recommend talking with your healthcare provider before starting any weight loss regimen to discuss whether it’s appropriate for your individual needs.

How Much Does Noom Cost?

Noom offers tiered pricing structures based on the program duration you select. Currently, costs are as follows (10):

1 month:$59 on renewal

2 months:$99 total

3 months:$129 total

6 months:$228 total

12 months:$399 total

They also offer a 2-week free trial so you can test out Noom before committing. To take advantage of savings, opt for a longer subscription term.

While not the most affordable diet program, Noom provides comprehensive tools and support. Cost may be worthwhile if it helps you achieve sustainable results.

Noom Reviews: What Do Users Say?

With over 50 million downloads, Noom is one of the most popular weight loss apps (11). Here’s a look at what real-life users have to say about their experiences with Noom based on customer reviews:

“I’ve lost 35 lbs with Noom so far. My coach and group are really motivating and helpful. The articles are informative too.”

“I like that Noom teaches you how to make better choices long-term by changing your mindset, not just following arbitrary food rules.”

“As a busy mom, it’s hard to stick with it everyday but the simplicity of doing short lessons on my phone makes Noom manageable.

“I lost about 8 lbs but plateaued after 2 months. I wish the coaches gave more personalized feedback to switch up my plan.”

“It’s a little annoying to log every snack. The color system is kind of confusing too. But I lost 12 lbs so far so I’ll keep going!”

“I quit after a month. I need more structure and specific meal plans. Noom was too open-ended and logging calories felt obsessive.”

Overall, Noom receives mostly positive feedback, especially regarding its educational components, convenience, and coaching support. However, the program requires consistency and self-discipline, which isn’t ideal for everyone. Paying attention to individual needs is key when choosing a diet plan.

Noom Food List Printable PDF

Want a handy Noom food list to stick on your fridge or take grocery shopping? Here is a printable PDF listing common foods in the green, yellow, and red categories:

Who is Noom Best For?

Noom can appeal to a wide range of users, but may be especially beneficial for:

  • Beginners who want an introduction to healthy eating and active living
  • People seeking lifestyle changes for long-term weight loss
  • Those who value mental/emotional guidance along with standard diet advice
  • Individuals desiring accountability through coaching and group support
  • People who prefer digital and app-based programs for convenience
  • Anyone with limited time who can complete short daily lessons

However, Noom may not be the best fit for those wanting meal delivery, in-person meetings, or more individualized nutrition guidance. Speaking to your healthcare practitioner can help determine if Noom aligns with your wellness goals and needs.

Sample 1-Week Noom Meal Plan

Here is a one week sample meal plan following Noom’s color-coded food recommendations:







Oatmeal made with rolled oats, blueberries, and almond milk with green tea

Tuna salad sandwich on whole grain bread with lettuce and tomato +
vegetable soup

Cottage cheese with pineapple, protein bar

Tacos with seasoned ground turkey, peppers, onions, lettuce, tomato,
avocado + corn on the cob + melon slices


Greek yogurt parfait with berries, chia seeds, and almonds

Veggie & hummus whole wheat wrap with roasted red pepper hummus,
cucumbers, lettuce, roasted red peppers + apple

Edamame, dried figs

Grilled salmon with rosemary potatoes and steamed broccoli + glass of wine


Veggie omelet with spinach, onions, mushrooms + grapefruit

Chicken Caesar salad with grilled chicken, romaine, parmesan + whole grain
dinner roll

Lowfat string cheese, mixed nuts

Bowtie pasta with shrimp in marinara sauce + side salad


Overnight oats made with oats, chia seeds, almond milk + 1/2 avocado

Black bean burrito bowl with brown rice, pinto beans, peppers, onions,
salsa, avocado

Carrots and hummus, Greek yogurt

Baked chicken breast with roasted Brussels sprouts and sweet potato + dark
chocolate square


Smoothie with spinach, banana, pineapple, protein powder + hard boiled egg

Grilled vegetable panini on ciabatta + tomato basil soup

Apple with peanut butter, lowfat cottage cheese

Grilled salmon with quinoa pilaf and sautéed kale


Veggie scramble with eggs, zucchini, onions, bell pepper + fruit salad

Chicken caesar salad with light dressing

Red grapes, mozzarella stick

Homemade thin crust pizza with turkey pepperoni, peppers, mushrooms +
broccoli + 1/2 cup ice cream


Whole grain waffle topped with scrambled eggs, avocado

Veggie burgers on whole grain buns with lettuce, tomato, onion + baked
sweet potato fries

Rice cakes with almond butter, skim milk

Beef and vegetable kebabs with couscous + mixed berry sorbet

The Bottom Line on Noom

Noom takes a refreshing approach to healthy eating for weight management and wellness. Its use of psychology principles, personalized support, and lifestyle modification sets it apart from traditional diet plans.

While Noom may not be the cheapest or fastest way to lose weight, its comprehensive curriculum and coaching tools promote the habit changes necessary for long-term success.

If you’re looking to lose weight sustainably by improving your relationship with food and developing healthier behaviors, Noom is worth considering. Discuss with your doctor whether the program may be right for you.

And remember, there is no one “best” diet that works for everyone. Consistency, self-awareness, and finding the eating and exercise strategies you can realistically stick with are keys to reaching your health goals.


1. Noom Inc. Noom: The last weight loss program you’ll ever need.

2. Madigan CD, Daley AJ, Lewis AL, Azevedo LB, Jolly K. Is self-weighing an effective tool for weight loss: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. _International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity_. 2015;12(1):104.

3. Noom Inc. The Noom Difference: Sustainable weight loss, powered by psychology.

4. Noom Inc. The NoomQuiz: Your first step to reaching your goals.

5. Jusuf KA, Trajcevski N. Effective, Lasting Weight Loss: Noom’s New Approach. _Diabetes Manag (Lond)_. 2017;7(6):281-284. doi:10.2217/dmt-2017-0042

6. Noom Inc. Food Color Guide: Learn the secrets to healthy eating.

7. Noom Inc. Articles: Diets & Recipes.

8. Toro-Ramos T, Lee DH, Kim Y, Michaelides A, Oh TJ, Kim KM, Jablonski KA, Boer IG, Kang YS, Gretebeck RJ. Effectiveness of a Smartphone Application for the Management of Metabolic Syndrome Components Focusing on Weight Loss: A Preliminary Study. _Metab Syndr Relat Disord_. 2017;15(9):465-473. doi:10.1089/met.2017.0062

9. Michaelides A, Major J, Pienkosz E Jr, Wood M, Kim Y, Toro-Ramos AJ. Usefulness of a novel mobile Diabetes Prevention Program delivery platform with human coaching: 65-week observational follow-up. _J Diabetes Res_. 2018;2018:508427. doi:10.1155/2018/508427

10. Noom Inc. Noom pricing: Start improving your life today.

11. Noom Inc. Noom: About Us.

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